Nkeshimana Tharcilla, 54 years old, mother of six children and grandmother of five children, she is also a member of a coffee production cooperative in partnership with KALICO. She tells us how, at her advanced age, she decided to integrate into the coffee production with other women of the Gasura cooperative.
“Many people used to think that I could no longer work 4 to 6 hours a day in the coffee fields due to my age. I convinced my daughter Fabiola to join me in the collaboration with women from the GASURA community in partnership with KALICO. At harvest time, we carry our coffee cherries to the GASURA washing station and we are remunerated based on the weight of the cherries. I was more motivated than ever as not only does KALICO purchase the coffee from us, but the company also gives us some training on how to maintain our coffee fields to obtain a better yield. I also had the opportunity to benefit from its mushroom project which helps a lot of people to develop themselves financially and mentally in the sense that the person who was just thinking about spending his income on daily needs will think about investing in small business projects. It is a great journey at my age to work with a coffee company which is working to free us from mental slavery.”