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She got married at 21, she was still young and knew little about life as awife and mother. She struggled to provide for my children and my husband was no longerable to cover all our living expenses as a shoemaker.… Read More »NICIMPAYE Josiane


HAVYATIMANA Pierre, at the age of 56, he is reaching my retirement age and he has always thought of an activity that he will bequeath to his children and grandchildren, which will benefit them for their entire lives.I have been… Read More »HAVYATIMANA Pierre


Father of six children, NSENGIYUMVA Jean-Paul is coffee farmer since 3 years, he tends his coffee fields as well as that of the company KALICO for additional income. He shared with us how the coffee production has changed the course… Read More »NSENGIYUMVA Jean-Paul

Nkeshimana Tharcilla

Nkeshimana Tharcilla, 54 years old, mother of six children and grandmother of five children, she is also a member of a coffee production cooperative in partnership with KALICO. She tells us how, at her advanced age, she decided to integrate… Read More »Nkeshimana Tharcilla

Kamariza Claudine

Kamariza Claudine 42 years old, mother of 4 children, coffee producer since 2018 in MURAMBA.She tells us about her experience in coffee production:“As a coffee producer for 2 years, I was not aware of the advantages of working in women… Read More »Kamariza Claudine

Ndarigende Violette

Mother of five children from MURAMBA, joined the women’s cooperative “TERIMBERE” which means “Move Forward” to invest all her energy in coffee production.

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