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Innovating Burundian coffee

About Us.

Kalico’s delicious Arabica Red Bourbon operates in Northeast Burundi, where five beautiful lakes meet in the provinces of Kirundo and Muyinga. Its flavours are greatly influenced by the unique conditions – the rich volcanic soils, high altitudes of 1,650-1,750m, and the winds that grace the Lakes region.

The result is clean and balanced with caramel tasting notes and consistent cupping scores above 85+.

We produce and export green coffee from seven washing stations located in Northeast Burundi in Kirundo and Muyinga provinces.

We offer different types of processing at our washing stations: natural, fully washed, and honey. We are also experimenting with traditional ways to process our coffee to create unique flavours.

Kalico coffee is well-rounded, elegant, and fruity with high levels of sweetness and citrus-like acidity.

We are a proud female-led company that values the contribution of women in Burundian coffee. Over 70% of our farmers are women.

 We believe that good coffee is achieved by using best farming practices and investing in training, environmental protection, and social corporate responsibilities.

Contact Kalico for delicious Burundi Arabica cupping at 85+

Female-led coffee company.

We are a proud female-led company that values the contribution of women in Burundian coffee. Over 70% of our farmers are women.

Kalico’s founder and president, Angele Ciza, was the first woman to run a businessin the Burundi coffee industry in 1995.

In Burundi, women in some districts cannot inherit land, greatly inhibiting their ability to work in agriculture. Angele’s achievements, tenacity and unshakeable perseverance to build a successful career in the coffee industryis an inspiration to other women across Burundi. 

In 2012, Angele Ciza founded Kalico, and was joined by her son, Alexandre Shaka Mugisha, the present Managing Director of the company, with the implementation of a digital traceability system to connect buyers with their coffee origins.

Alexandre is committed to the modernization of the business processes and to the preservation of the traditional values of the coffee company.

Our range of specialty coffee brands

We produce several specialty Arabica coffees


Specialty coffee from Murago washing station with a cherry, chocolate and stone fruit aroma.


Specialty coffee from Butihinda washing station with a cherry, grape, cranberry and spices aroma.


Specialty coffee from Muramba washing station with a citrus, vanilla, caramel and chocolate aroma.

Flavours and Aromas

Muramba Coffee

citrus, vanilla, caramel and chocolate

Butihinda Coffee

cherry, grape, cranberry and spices

Murago Coffee

cherry, chocolate and stone fruit

Gasura Coffee

aramel, apricot, pear and citrus

Kigobe Coffee

honey, chocolate and jasmine

Mutarishwa Coffee

aramel, apricot, pear and citrus

Kinyangurube Coffee

honey, chocolate and jasmine

Cup Profile

Caramel’s Aroma


Good Sweetness

Nice Acidity

Balanced Coffee

Nice and Longer Aftertaste

Washing Stations

Angèle CIZA, KALICO’s Founder and CEO, was born and raised on a coffee plantation in the northern region of the country, on the border with Rwanda, known as Kirundo. Her mother was her role model and taught


washing stations in Kirundo province

Kigobe, Gasura, Muramba,
Kinyangurube and Mutarishwa


washing stations in Muyinga province

Butihinda and Murago

Coffee empowerment and giving back

At Kalico, we strongly believe in leading by example and giving back to the community. This is how we can empower our farmers, and women in particular. Working together ensures the best outcomes for us all.

We are involved in a number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects.


We employ disabled women to produce the Kalico labels on our specialty coffee bags. We also give our women coffee growers loincloths and farm animals that provide organic fertilisers for their fields.



We have developed indoor mushroom farming to train ourproducers infood security and providean extra income stream.


We are working with the Batwa (an indigenous ethnic minority group known as «pygmies”), who are famous for their traditional pottery and handcrafts, to work on the old traditional anaerobic process using traditional pots called “inkono” in Kirundi. Proceeds from the project will be used to improve the development of the Batwa community, such as introducing solar panels in households, school education for children, upgrading pottery techniques.


We offer CSR opportunities to clients interested in making an impact in minor communities. One of our partners on the Shamba Mushroom Project isNew York based Cafe Grumpy.



“Café Grumpy first connected with Angele Ciza in 2013 at the African Fine Coffee Association conference in Bujumbura, Burundi. We were immediately struck by Angele's warm personality and incredible dedication to coffee and were excited to find that her coffee reflected that passion. She is constantly working for her people to provide better access to healthcare, schooling, food, and income.”
Coffee Buyer, Café Grumpy, United States
“To begin with, it is delicious chocolatey, sweet and creamy. Kalico Burundi Women's Coffee is an excellent example of the coffee Burundi farmers have to offer. Sipping this coffee reminded us of a chocolate bar with dried fruit and nuts, but we don’t know if such a chocolate bar exists!
Good Feature Roast: Kalico, Burundi Women's Coffee
ROAST: Light
REGION: Kirundo
CO-OP: Rotheca Women's Coffee
VARIETAL: Red Bourbon
PROFILE: Aroma: Floral Taste: Juicy stone fruit, milk chocolate Mouth feel: Creamy, smooth Finish: Balanced sweetness & clean finish.
It is an honor to offer the Kalico Burundi coffee at Good Earth Coffeehouse and feature all the “good” that this coffee has. From the quality and uniqueness of the bean to focus and effort and impact that Rotheca Women’s’ Coffee brings to the finished cup this coffee spoke to our values in supporting sustainability and social responsibility in the coffee that we serve. The Kalico coffee allow us to promote the idea that quality, gender equity, and profitability can go hand in hand and reduce the harsh realities of poverty.”
Good Earth Coffeehouse, United States

Coffee Producers

Parternship Opportunity

Kahowa Link Company S.A. also known as Kalico is a private company founded in 2012 by Angele Ciza, an entrepreneur woman with over twenty years’ experience in the coffee industry. We produce and export green coffee from seven washing stations located in Northern East of Burundi.


For the same cause, we consider the value of women in society, the reason why the company works with 70% of active women as coffee producers; over 30% of active men. We also involve handicap women in our business, who are in charge of our specialty coffee bag markings of “KALICO MAMA coffee” and «KALICO INZAHABU coffee”. In addition, we provide to women producers loincloths and farm animals that will provide them with organic fertilizers for the upkeep of their fields.


   Ensure full traceability of our coffee beans through the M-CULTIVO platform.

 Introduce the old traditional anaerobic processed in traditional pots

Invest in community development through CSR projects

Be certified

Support women coffee growers and their families

Train our farmers to ensure we maintain high environmental standards        

Get in Touch

We understand your requirement and provide quality works.

Avenue de la Révolution,
Appartement no 2

+257 71 392 442




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